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Thursday, 27 November 2008


This is the Yin&Yang of existence.

All that we know exist in contrast with it's respective opposite. So people are tented to split the world in black and white, wright and wrong, beautiful and ugly, etc. and then expect of life only the good part. But we see that if there was only white in this world you couldn't see nothing except white and the Universe will be very boring. There must be some black to see the white.

On the other hand, astrophysicists found that the Universe is filled more with Dark Matter than with Matter and it couldn't have been created without the existence of Dark Matter.

So all negative things-events coexist with the positive and you could not have one without the other. Now let Alan Watts explain more on this:

Nothing is more fertile than emptiness.
Alan Watts

Sunday, 16 November 2008

The secret

We saw that through meditation we are making a conscious attempt to stop thinking, but most of the time we think. We have to control our daily thinking as much as we advance in our non-thinking training.

In eastern philosophy we have Karma Yoga and it basically means Action. In Karma Yoga everything that is happening to you it's your own doing and not just because "We are one", we are literally attract the future events with our thinking. Stopping thinking enables us to enter in a timeless space. Watch "The Secret" movie and see what laws exist at consciousness level.

Sunday, 9 November 2008


For Alan Watts making philosophy it is a way of living. He once joked in an open talk:
A philosopher nowadays is a practical fellow that comes with a briefcase at nine and leaves at five. He does philosophy during the day which is discussing whether sentences have meaning and if so what, and then he would come to work in a white coat if he could get away with it.

When he talks about eastern philosophy he does it from a neutral point of view and that's it's clearly stated in "The Way of Zen" where he writes:
On the one hand, it is necessary to be sympathetic and to experiment personally with the way of life to the limit of one's possibilities. On the other hand, one must resist every temptation to "join the organization", to become involved with its institutional commitments. In this friendly neutral position one is apt to be disowned by both sides.

In the previous video you saw that time is relative. We three-dimensional beings see the 4th dimension in a distorted way. Time/space is relative to the observer point of view and thus: if there is no observer is no time nor space. Let's see now the scientific explanation of the shape of the time.

  1. All events are really one event.
  2. Time is pair-shaped and relative to the observer.
  3. We cannot observe the present we are only seeing the past.
So it's very hard to define the PRESENT, because it's changing, the PAST, because our memory is selective, and the FUTURE which is an expectation.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


"No thought, no reflection, no analysis,
no cultivation, no intention,
Let it settle itself"
from the "Six Percepts" of Tilopa

Another metaphor for the blue mountain and the white cloud is the phenomenon "moon-in-the-water". When there is no water, there is no moon. But when the moon rises the water does not wait to receive its image, and when even the tiniest drop of water is poured out the moon does not wait to cast its reflection. They exist dependent yet independent of each other.

"The search for self-realization is powered by our anxiety and our fear which feed our ego causing frustration in our daily life selfishness, jealousy, anger and hate which unconscious serve to protect us and in doing so set us into opposition to everyone and everything. To awaken to this realization is the practice of Zen."

This is a great excerpt from the EmptyMindFilms's "The Zen Mind" movie and it basically point out the cause of the violence we find it today and give the solutions to it.

Alan Watts gives a better explanation to the Way of Zen.