The human body energy centers or Chakra's are the base in Raja Yoga (or the Royal Yoga). Raja Yoga is a powerful, more spiritual approach to achieve enlightenment. The awakening of these energy centers is found in martial arts too when practitioners perform meditation (zen) or Tai Chi exercises. The following video series is a beautiful introduction in this ancient knowledge:
From "Nothing" everything come into being. Matter, space, time and energy, all came out from the Ocean of Pure Consciousness. Eventually life emerged from this apparently dead Universe. Time passed and the life evolved and became conscious of it self.
We as humans have the opportunity to get back to our true home, to our Father, to the Creator if we are awaken. Man should seek enlightenment during his life not material possessions because matter is not the true nature of human beings.
This returning to the Creator is imminent. God said in the bible "I'm the Alfa and Omega, the Beginning and the End" meaning that He created us and He would rejoin with all of us at the End of Times.
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14 years ago