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Monday, 6 July 2009


The laws of Thermodynamics are the physical laws that governs the entire universe, from smallest known subatomic particle to galaxy clusters. They describe the transport of heat and work during thermodynamic processes.

The fundamental law of thermodynamics states that:
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms.

This impossibility of creating or destroying of the energy is the basic reason of our existence in this infinite cycle of life and death which we call life. Life is changing energy. So if we had the capability of tapping the energy of the entire universe and use it, what could we do with it ? We can only use it to transform it into another form... nothing more.

This laws refers only to closed systems. In nature there are no "closed systems". Until recent years, it was thought that only the universe can be an enclosed system and the laws of thermodynamics can be applied to it as a whole. But with recent discoveries this also cannot be true taking into account "Multiverse" theories as explained by Dr. Michio Kaku in this video.

The question remains how many times this recursion of parallel universes, one on top of the other may exist ?

We live within a fractal universe, where the smallest part resembles to the whole. The atomic level can be associated at some level with the planetary system, the Mother Earth (sphere) with Father Light (as depicted in christian philosophy) can be associated with the male spermatozoon and the female egg. At every level we find the same principles. Now scientists discover that animals have feelings and can think and can even communicate with humans in some way.

Interesting cooperation and fairness within animal world... not so frequently adopted by humans.

The second law of thermodynamics states that:
The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.

Entropy can be thought as a measure of disorder within an isolated system.

If we isolate ourselves from the rest of the world we'll increase our state of disorder, and as a fractal enter in the realm of chaos. Thus, we have to find ways of lowering our entropy and we can do so only when we are in full contact with nature, where we dissolve the boundaries and be one with the entire universe.

This can be achieved only when the mind is in the higher planes of consciousness and realizes that it has to let go... and merge with the rest which is a part of itself.

A more fun way of connecting to nature than meditation is through practicing sports that require outside work, for example: jogging, swimming, mounting, riding bikes, etc.

In conclusion we see that all systems tend to achieve equilibrium, which is the state of energy balance, the middle way of the Tao.