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Tuesday, 28 October 2008


The stream hides itself
   In the grasses
      Of departing autumn.

Leaves falling,
   Lie on one another,
      The rain beats on the rain.

A trout leaps
   Clouds are moving
      In the bed of the stream.

The fallen flower
   Returning to the branch ?
      It was a butterfly.

The wind brings
   Fallen leaves enough
      To make a fire.

Haiku poems collected by Alan Watts and extracted from "The Way of Zen".

Friday, 24 October 2008

Intellectual approach to Yoga

Yoga consists of methods of meditation to get our minds clear of thoughts, to enter in the frame of mind when we are complete aware of WHAT IS. Let's now hear Alan Watts which has a throughout introduction to Yoga.

"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual and a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism." - 1945, from "Albert Einstein: The Human Side", edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffmanm Princeton University Press

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Fractal Consciousness

We live in a world of illusion. We think about matter as something very solid but in fact matter is not solid at all. It consists of atoms surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The solidity results from the repulsing electrical interaction between the atoms. Quantum physics had shown that if we go deeper and deeper in structure of atoms we enter in a world of pure abstraction and pure potential. This is thought to be the information field governed by consciousness and thus our minds can alter the Universe.

Max Planck was talking about God, the consciousness being that expresses itself through all living beings, through all matter and all the Universe. He is not separated from us. It's like the Universe is a very complex fractal. Because in a fractal the part resembles the whole, if we have consciousness then matter has it too and this might bee the only substance there is.

"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness." Max Planck - The Observer (January 25th, 1931)

"The circle has an inside and an outside which are different (separate) and cannot exist without the other. To a donut the inside and the outside is the same." So we see that when we think in a higher dimensions things seem to be one. We think to ourselves separate from everything else because we perceive world through our senses and project these holograms outside ourselves. But the reality is that we are all one and thus this feeling of separateness is the matrix of life.

That's why LOVE is the most powerfull force of the Universe. Because it disolves the feeling of being alone and binds people. Jesus knew this from the Beginning and we all knew this, we only have to remember.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Multidimensional Beings

Because it's rather confusing to us to imagine higher dimensions, we must let Carl Sagan explains how a multidimensional being interacts with a lower dimensional being like ourselves to figure this out.

This also can explain angels sightings or extraterrestrial entities which can morph their appearance or other "out of this world" phenomenons. In the Book of Revelations GOD is "Alpha and Omega" and it means that He knows the Beginning and the End of Time and thus He is at least in the 4th dimension. I presume that GOD is the ultimate multidimensional being and exist in the 10th dimension. Now, let Rob Bryanton explain why 10 is the last possible dimension.

Monday, 20 October 2008

A beautiful new TOE

An beautiful super-symmetric 8 dimensional subatomic particle model could predict the new particles that LHC could produce. There is no doubt that our universe (or just our mathematical thinking) is symmetric or have a recurrence pattern just like a fractal object. Garret Lisi's "Theory of Everything" states that this 8D object constitutes the elementary super-particle from the time-space grid and with the different rotations applied to it we can generate all the elementary particles like electrons, protons or neutrinos.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

We are one !

The Theory of Strings or Super-symmetric strings of energy states that we can have a theory of everything and finds that we are all connected at the quantum level (Plank scale). We are all one giant super-dimensional being and we don't even know it.

John Hagelin Ph.D, explains the Unified Field of Consciousness which makes Quantum Physics self-consistent.

Now we can witness the merge of eastern philosophy with the new true philosophy of western world which is science. In Hinduism or Buddhism one must seek inward for the true self letting go of it's ego and realizing that he is one with the entire Universe.

Saturday, 18 October 2008


We begin our journey with Alan Watts as our guide through the Maya as Hindus call "The Matrix". The western philosopher, explains with freshness and lucidity the way of Tao "which is not the eternal Tao". Using a more digestible language he is a venerable pioneer in bringing the Eastern philosophy and understanding into the westerner's point of view.

On the other hand, our science got to a point where we can completely eliminate the need of God and basically science has it's own religion. Watts also promotes "The religion of NO religion" and that doesn't mean that he promotes atheism. He says only that one must seek inward for self enlightenment not outward for a particular God. Inward you'll find the only God there is and that is You and Everybody and Everything else.

In the last century, science with the help of computers discovered fractals. They are beautiful mathematical objects and simply you have to gaze at them because it's useless to try to comprehend them. They are infinitely complex as everything in this world; from the smallest particle (still undiscovered) to the edge of space-time (still not determined). Finding fractals everywhere creates a new ground for the Philosophy of Science, which is the Fractal Tao.

To enter in this new frame of mind we have to unlearn things we've learned. Lao Tzu said: "The scholar learns something every day, a man of a Tao unlearns something everyday, until he gets back to non-doing." Unlearning things makes you boundless, but it's hard to stop thinking as it's hard to calm a disturbed water with our hands. So we have to let go and be carried out by the flow and eventually reach that state with no effort.