A lot of change happened recently that stopped me of having enough time to blog something about anything. You must remember, that one of the fundamental point of Buddhism is the idea that the world is in a permanent flux of change. The sense of frustration arises from a person failure to accept this basic characteristic of life: the lack of permanent self and perpetual change of everything.
Everything in our universe is in constant change since the beginning, the Big Bang. From galaxies to simple sub-atomic particles, all things are in a constant flux. Also it's difficult to pin down anything because of this change. In quantum physics the uncertainty principle states that one cannot assign exact simultaneous values to the position and momentum of a physical system. These quantities can be measured only with uncertainty.
Moreover, for each particle physicists have assigned a wave making them inseparable. The duality of particle-wave is the result of the basic rule that governs our universe. But how something so palpable and solid as matter particles can easily be associated with a wiggly wave of energy, an ethereal moving substance ?
I believe the force of gravity is the driver of this constant change. From the beginning the gravity formed everything by organizing chaos. This is how atoms were formed, then planets and life itself. I cannot imagine this universe without gravity. The Secret shows that the Gravity works not only at the physical level. Gravity is the only force in the Universe that hadn't been united completely in the Theory of Everything due to it's strange nature despite the other four forces (electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear forces).
Only exotic theories like the string theory or E8 theory tried to unite these forces. Both of them are difficult to prove because they require the existence of higher dimensions in this universe and even parallel universes from which gravity can leak in our universe.
A rather new simple Theory of Everything states that atoms are mini black holes where protons are attracted to each other by gravitation rather than a mysterious strong force.
Also, there is the resistance to change. If there is no resistance to it, everything will go from beginning to the end in an instant. So there must be always some resistance to change for the wonderful manifestation of form to exist. This may be a good definition of time, as being this resistance to change.
The degree you are going with the stream, you are not resisting change, time will not affect you as much as it does to others. If you learn how to completely let go, you will experience nirvana but you must realize this without purpose, without intention.
printre nori... printre corbi...
14 years ago
that was unexpected!
thanks for posting again!
Thank you for reading this post. I'm greatfull and I will come back with new insights regarding the matters discussed in this blog.
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